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08/30/17 10:24 AM

#12236 RE: Doctor Detroit #12234

All the press should help raise awareness, even if the journalists don't always get all the details right: "It is the same delivery system used in the Norplant birth control device." I thought the original Norplant (and subsequent version, Jadelle) used silicon. I believe Nexplanon (another birth control product) does use EVA polymer like ProNeura - I wonder what is different about it that it isn't patent infringement.

Too bad the bottleneck seems to be in streamlining the insurance approval process, coding, etc...

ProNeura is a powerful platform, and the next drug after buprenorphine should be much easier to get through (and has to sell better thatn Probuphine has so far). Here's hoping Titan has the wherewithal to monetize this very valuable process of continuous drug delivery.

An interesting review article about EPA drug delivery systems:

I didn't realize there are 10 other drugs currently on the market that use EVA polymer delivery technology.
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08/30/17 1:18 PM

#12237 RE: Doctor Detroit #12234

So true Doc,32 centers and nada nothing,you don't hear a thing.If APPLE Tree can't or won't market probuphine or highlight it or even push it,how the hell do they expect others to,if the owners won't.If each slate center does only 30 per quarter,and that's one stinker implant every 3 days,that would generate between 4 and 5 million for breaburn and at least half a million for titan,but it seems that breaburn,even thou they own thrue Apple Tree 32 centers they can't seem to sell even in there own treatment centers,what a shame,and people say that titan mngt is a horror well it seems that breaburn is much much worst.With all that money backing them,still nothing what a waste.Hey,with limited cash limired resources and manpower,titan isn't doing that bad,even thrue the pps isn't reflecting it yet,AND THAT'S BASICALLY BREABURN FAULT,NO DAMN SALES AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF,but boy did they win awards and glut and didn't even mention titan as there partner or gave them credit for TITANS PROBUPHINE/ProNeura tech,made it look like it was they who made it.Now we are paying for they're incompetence.