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08/28/17 10:35 PM

#271834 RE: conix #271832

conix, “Black Lives Matter is a movement for POC that is long over due. We often think that racism and segregation is over because of civil rights and all of those laws that were made to "try" and create equality. But we are clearly still in a state of immense inequality among white humans and black humans. The Black Lives Matter movement is happening to bring awareness to modern day racism that happens in our everyday lives that we don't notice, unintentionally or not. I stand with this movement loud and proud because every single human deserves equality. Because they are human. Race, color, ethnicity, nationality does not mean automatic oppression. It means difference, uniqueness, quality. I stand with it because those who have privilege need to use their power with POC, not power over.”

- Megan, 19 years old

“I mean, really BLM is about black people in America pushing for their rights to be alive and be happy in a country that has never really guaranteed either of those things for them. It's about destroying those double standards and putting a stop to unnecessary police brutality. I most definitely stand with BLM. It's extremely important to me that any and all forms of racism are eliminated. Not because it negatively affects me, I recognize the privilege I was born with, but because I realize how disgusting it is that such a giant part of our country's population is fighting for rights that should be a no-brainer. It is laughable to me that some white people believe they have the ability to define what does and doesn't count as racism, because they aren't the ones on the receiving end. This is about love and about making sure that everyone in this country is getting equal opportunities.”

- Katherine, 19 years old

Shapiro's time with Breitbart is a measure of the man

so i'm not swayed at all by his opinion of BLM whose focus is unjust police brutality against blacks.

As for the chant, well, it would offend some, but it is by no means a measure of BLM and should not have been the focus in that case,

In the big picture your "blame all around" is not valid, and that goes also to your pains to prove equivalence, and so to your giving comfort to the white supremacist movement.