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08/28/17 2:54 PM

#51767 RE: gh0st #51766

I tend to agree with you - but this company is run by scammers and this is just a way to shut them down for now - the bitcoin angle, while in its infancy, was just the latest in a series of scams - I think they got ARSC before they could go full-on bitcoin scam, but we all knew where they were going with this....I think they had their eyes on these guys for awhile...


08/28/17 4:34 PM

#51771 RE: gh0st #51766

Have you really followed what the SEC is saying about these bitcoin companies?

The SEC has stated numerous opinions that these companies are shells with NO intrinsic put your money on an electronic ledger and spend it as a fictional fiat currency!

Please explain how a company can show $0 on q but spend $1.5M undocumented cash!

ARSC went from $0.25 to $3 and now back down to $0.70 before suspension.

Again read the value!