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08/27/17 1:31 PM

#147240 RE: PennyHeaven7 #147239

No doubt APT should be filing their lawsuit Monday morning... IR was deemed criminal in its actions


08/27/17 2:53 PM

#147241 RE: PennyHeaven7 #147239

Good point... MTVX could file a suit against Ironridge now that the guilty verdict is official. I'm sure that would give a big boost to the MTVX share price if a lawsuit against Ironridge was filed and announced by the company. The question is... How long do we wait to find out if that is going to happen before considering taking our own action? 30 days? 60 days?... And will a law firm even take our case for a combined individual investor class action as long as APT MotoVox/Motoped is still in business and MTVX is still a live trading public stock? Would there be a conflict of interest for us to try and file our own private law suit against Ironridge if the company is still in a position to be able to file a lawsuit themselves? It could be somewhat complicated. I guess that's something we'll have to determine along the way. I suppose there's still no harm in contacting some law firms just to see what they would they would think about the whole thing and if they would consider taking a private shareholder case under these circumstances. :-)

Blessings and best wishes,
LoveAndLight :-)