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08/20/03 11:29 AM

#15469 RE: famlydog #15465

Well said family. I can appreciate your position. The problem is that you don't just wake up one day and decide to sell a 4-5 year investment. There is a transition period which I believe many of us are in right now. We have been staring at dirt for far too many years and have begun to wonder if our money was actually used to buy seeds or to feed the farmer and all his friends. I may appear to be jumping up and down on the ground, but I'm actually trying to find a seed. :)

Finally, until we know the final outcome, your optimism may be as detrimental as pessimism to another skittish shareholder. There may be plenty of shareholders that ride this to zero because of unfounded optimism.
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08/20/03 11:38 AM

#15475 RE: famlydog #15465

Hey Dog,
What an excellent post!! I, for one, am in this with three of my sons. We have stood quietly by while the discussion has raged back and forth, between the disgruntled and the overly optimistic. We are accepting any news as a piece of an ever growing puzzle that when the answer (tech to market)is solved, we will be rewarded for our patience. If it never makes it, we will have learned another lesson in life and we will look for another opportunity to invest and hope.
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08/20/03 12:20 PM

#15487 RE: famlydog #15465

famlydog, I feel it is presumtuous to think that common shareholders could "drag" this stock down. If NVEI could prove that are actually doing something productive with the tech, maybe, just maybe, we'd see some share price improvement.

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08/20/03 12:49 PM

#15494 RE: famlydog #15465

fam- I didn't mean any harm to anyone on a personal level with my post. You make a very good point indeed. The only thing I can say in return is at least in your story the farmer gives you the chance to view the field. The farmer I'm involved with planted his crop many years ago and has failed thus far to give even the slightest status report. He did bring in some expert farmers to help him out but they require that he give them very large parts of the other crop for their services. In fact, he and several others are taking HUGE chunks out of the other crop every single day but refuse to tell his fellow owners how things are going. TRUST me is the philosophy these farmers employ on a regular basis. Well, as of now my new philosophy matches that of the state of Missouri...SHOW ME.

Until then, I am going to have to assume there is no crop. Walking away in NOT an option. These sons of bucks will pay for the deception if that does indeed turn out to be the case. I sincerely hope I will be eating my words. I would much rather be wrong here. Have a good one.
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08/20/03 12:52 PM

#15496 RE: famlydog #15465

Thanks Familiydog, Good Post!