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08/26/17 8:13 AM

#47238 RE: CADguy57 #47235

"a disinterested 3rd party commentary would be welcome."

I'm still confused. There are two basic elements to the release...the facts and Berman's opinions about them.

No 3rd party can express Berman's opinions and there seems to be little reason to expect any 3rd party to express any opinions of their own given the nature of the facts, which are:
"Today the company addresses two issues important to shareholders and the financial community regarding the company's litigation with the divisions of Johnson & Johnson (a comprehensive opposition brief to be filed on Aug. 28th), as well as the company's progress in retail markets through its inclusion in the Amazon Brand Registry."

What kind of source would you expect, or like, to see commenting on those facts?

The release itself has been reproduced in several dozen media sources:

But none of them saw fit to editorialize on the content. The only commentary available in the 40+ hours since its release seems to be right here....maybe three posts worth (and that includes "I found it, read it, liked it and most importantly agreed with the content.")

"a disinterested 3rd party commentary would be welcome."
I agree. Unfortunately they all seem to be TOO disinterested.
While I'd like to hear some commentary about the legal issues they only seem to matter to DECN shareholders.
The effectiveness of "inclusion in the Amazon Brand Registry" is a subject that is widely discussed on the web. There's nothing unique to DECN's participation.

I found this interesting and it seems to relate to what Berman is talking about re:Amazon.
"However, what Amazon Brand Registry does for you is lets you register your brand so you can have sole ownership of the Buy Box for it. And if they do try and hijack your product, you can simply contact Amazon and have them removed."
What is the Amazon Buy Box?
There of two types of sellers on Amazon, Amazon itself, and third-party sellers.
For the majority of items, there will be a number of buying options for the buyer. When a buyer selects, ‘Add to cart’, the seller who has the Buy Box at that moment in time (the Buy Box winner rotates but more about that later), gets that all important sale.

Good luck.


08/26/17 5:20 PM

#47239 RE: CADguy57 #47235

"a disinterested 3rd party commentary would be welcome"

I don't even know what that means.

You mean an "objective" third party.

How could we tell if they were objective,especially if it's someone like Hotstocked or some other pinkie sheet P&D'er stock source.

I don't think Raymond James is going to cover this.


But I don't think you'd like their assessment.

BTW,Did that Attorney ever return your call?
