ECHO: They have already paid some Creditor's in shares quite a while back when the value was much higher. Those creditor's still lose because the value has gone way down, unless of course they cashed them in soon after? I think that all remaining Creditor's are going to be wise to being offered shares which are relatively worthless at this stage, but they may not be in due course? If I were a creditor, I would want hard cash in the hand, not low value shares as that would be palming them off the easy way.
If they are (as some say), in a position to progress with 'funding', then it's only fair and right that some of that cash is used to satisfy some part of their outstanding debts. As I have been following this company for some time, they may well have 'spare' cash but probably not that much...I don't know, but getting cash out of FLPC is like getting Blood out of a Stone. What they have, they keep.
Something BIG is apparently heading your way. Probably an 'F3', so batten down the hatches!! One of that Magnitude will suck up houses almost as quickly as FLPC extracts your investment cash! Obviously for the good of the business! lol.