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08/22/17 10:06 PM

#13259 RE: $hellKing #13258

Well their bus plan has more mentions in it other than crypto currency

Business Description
The Company is pursuing several business lines in the growing economies of East Africa. The Company is developing opportunities in the region including initiatives in technology and systems integration services, utility support services, affordable housing and health products manufacturing. The Company owns a majority interest in manufacturing equipment being integrated into a health products manufacturing facility currently under development. The Company has a services contract with a U.S. technology company to assist the U.S. company in establishing operations in East Africa. The Company is also under contract with a Chinese real-estate investment firm to develop real-estate assets in East Africa.

Its a risk but with a 900k float, a history of the other stock going to .50s first before suspension I think getting bid shares are a gimme. imo At some point I think a move will take place. Im thinking at least .25 .30. prob could scoop up .02 .03 .04s