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08/22/17 9:10 PM

#77378 RE: tamtam84 #77377

Kristin Comella is listed on the Scientific Advisory Board below also

TI is posting here ;?

Dragon Lady

08/22/17 10:36 PM

#77383 RE: tamtam84 #77377

Quote LOL, "This was is the National Health Institute Article of her COPD clinical trials in Mexico.

clearly states he was author and she was competing interest and funded partially with Regenerative Medicine Institute"

WHAT???? LOL ????

It's NOT a "National Health Institute" article???? NO SUCH THING ?? The journal, was the "Journal of Clinical Medicine Research" out of Canada that she used- has access to post on NHI, as do almost all journals. NHI doesn't vet or "publish" anything, they're just a repository, a database basically.

Her "article" was published in an "open source" or "open access" medical journal, THEE EASIEST, way to get "published" in the medical world, as opposed to highly vetted, highly credible journals such as thee New England Journal Of Medicine or The Lancet or 100s of other high-end med journals, where the vetting/editorial review and submission process is extreme, and only the finest works get published. "open access" journals will often publish just about anything, especially FOR A FEE, LOL !!

OF NOTE to me, most importantly, in that "article" by Comella, is that her co-author was also J. Lopez, aka ole Javier Lopez of the ole Tijuana "Ageless" a blah, blah of which Comella and Bioheart have long been "affiliated" with, just as she's affiliated with the ole Tijuana based, "Regenerative Medicine Institute" a blah, blah.

THIS YOUNG LADY AND HER FAMILY, THEY DID A "TESTIMONIAL" about her experience at the ole Tijuana "institute" and also about her friend, Art Barnett who went there for supposed "COPD STEM CELL TREATMENT" and about $20K later, was DEAD, DEAD as a door nail. All shown on Youtube testimonials by the young lady and her family below:

Video: Lady RIPPED OFF AT RMI In Mexico.....

It's some stunning video to me, involving the RMI (Regenerative Medicine Institute, Tijuana) in ME-HE-CO and a doctor named Javier Lopez...who JUST HAPPENS TO BE A CLOSE "associate" of ole Kristin Comella and has co-authored several "research papers" (PAY TO TREAT EXPERIMENTS IF YOU ASK ME, I'd put bank on it, they were CHARGE TO "TREAT" cases)....yepper, you'll find ole AGELESS in Mexico, Dr Javier Lopez and Kristin Comella all "together", many, many places...going way, way back....yepper


FATHER OF THE YOUNG LADY who was cleaned for large amounts of CASH....

And here are some links to Comella and "AGELESS" in Tijuana and Dr Lopez:

"Entitled ‘Autologous Stromal Vascular Fraction in the Intravenous Treatment of End-Stage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Phase I Trial of Safety and Tolerability’, the scientific paper was co-authored by Kristin Comella, Jesus A. Perez Blas, Tom Ichim, Javier Lopez, Jose Limon, and Ruben Corral Moreno. Below is a link and abstract to the paper:";

"Very early on, Dr. Lopez worked with Kristin Comella -- named one of the 50 most influential people on stem cells by The World Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine Congress -- to create an alliance with Bioheart Inc., a U.S. company dedicated to the development of effective cell technologies to treat cardiovascular diseases. RMI later allied with Ageless Regenerative Institute in order to more fully immerse itself in autologous adult stem cell research. Further, Dr. Lopez and RMI are members of several prestigious stem cell research organizations."

NOTICE THAT..."AGELESS" which is another Kristin Comella co-partner FL LLC, SHAZAM !!

BAMMO, Comella and "AGELESS" go way, way back as that PR shows. Yepper. Lets show them videos eh...since to many videos are being posted of happy "RADD" festivals and "TESTIMONIALS" and whatnot, lets get um all out in the open....sure thing.....

That young lady spent a butt load of cash in Mexico, and GOT NOTHING FOR IT...well, but BROKE.

SEE THAT, she speaks of how her friend, Art Barnett spent a bundle and he DIED after spending what money his family could muster...she talks about him too....supposed "COPD STEM CELL TREATMENT"....gee, who just CANCELLED their supposed, "COPD STEM CELL CLINICAL TRIAL" off the website???

Pretty AMAZING VIDEOS TO ME.....amazing and shocking...but not surprising either....the three BLIND LADIES probably can't watch um...since they CAN'T SEE ANYMORE....imagine that....????

ALL THOSE VIDEOS, THEY ARE ALL, ALL ABOUT THEE SAME, THEE SAME "REGENERATIVE MEDICINE INSTITUTE" of ole ME-HE-CO, Tijuana, and a "Dr Javier Lopez", thee CO-AUTHOR of ole "stem cell research" with Kristin Comella, and Comella sits as a "ADVISER" for same "INSTITUTE" in ole Tijuana, per their own website. YES-SIR-REE BOB !!! ALL, ONE IN THE SAME PLACE- and those are real people in them there videos.

BAMMO, Comella and "AGELESS" go way, way back as that PR shows. Yepper. Lets show them videos eh...since so many videos are being posted of happy "RADD" festivals and supposed great "TESTIMONIALS" and whatnot, lets get um all out in the open....sure thing.....