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08/22/17 7:04 PM

#16832 RE: pearsby09 #16829

"sometimes companies do not charge patients under the patient assistance programs designed for indigent patients." I'm fully aware of that, but what % of patients qualify as indigent...5%?...10%?

In a previous post, the comment was made that "it will be very convenient to get your IV of Ibalizumab. The company is setting up a program where the IV will come to you at home, at work or at the coffee shop, if necessary. So your dire scenario is off the mark." But that clearly isn't an accurate statement unless it applies to the majority of patients taking Ibalizumab. Misiu was correct when she said it would be a major inconvenience for most patients. But I digress, because this is really a moot point and not my concern since I firmly believe the company will be sold long before PRO 140 becomes a competitor.

And I'm just curious - where did you see that the company will make 30% rather than 60% margin?