Securter( WNBD POTENTIAL PARTNERSHIPS develops next generation patent pending payment / authentication platform for web-payments and banking by smart credit cards which proposes significant advantages for all sides of the payment process (Credit Companies / Banks / PSP, Merchants, Consumers) regarding to competing solutions. The proposed platform can be also complementary for different market directions, for example, Digital ID and Authentication (e-Government), IoT, Cloud/Big Data, Blockchain/Bitcoin, Smart Cites, Connected Cars and other technologies that require secure and reliable online user authentication. Highlights: - Best security level at lowest payment processing cost - Strong and versatile business model/vision and multidisciplinary team - Convenient use for online merchants and shoppers - Solves fraud and cart abandonment issues - Solves legality / security / chargeback / anonymity / cost issues for Blockchain-based payments
We are seeking seed investment and/or partnership / business development. FROM ONE OF THE FOUNDERS LINKEDIN PAGE