We can say many things about company's management and strategy but the shares behaviuos does show anomalies or peculiar points:
- day after AdComm was lower than 4mln shares traded (we traded much more in Oct 2016 and Feb 2017): consistent therfore with a setback instead of a failure (like in the cases of single product biotechs)
- price went down from 1.50 to below 1.00 through 11 trading days with an average volume lower than 300k shares (value of which is ridicolously low for such a big movement)
- even if we have been in oversold territory there is no sign even of a technical rebound; the price seems to have a target area which HAS to be below 1.00
- for major info about any possible shareholders moves after the AdComm we have to wait at least 45 days following the 26th of July; I would say that between 10-15th of sept we will have all the data flowing via the 13D filings (if any)
- based on what above, we could consider plausible an orchestrated movement, not necessarily by some big players (given the low volume over the period I believe 3 pc - 3 accounts and a good algorithm can accomlish the job)
We are therefore currently blind (nothing new with IPCI).
In conclusion: I am disgusted as well, but I hope company silence is preluding something good, fearing instead of being again disappointed.
All this JMHO