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08/20/17 8:21 PM

#16917 RE: Paullee #16916

Wow! How do you even dress yourself? I have met some clueless people on these boards, but you take the cake.

They had 1065 reviews a month ago and have 1076 now. The downloads have slowed to a trickle. The vast majority of the reviews were for the first version that didn't have many features. The recent reviews since Gen 3.7 are horrible. Can you really not understand the difference between versions? Recent reviews complain about how slow it is. I agree. I had used their browser since version 3.0 and removed it from my phone once it was updated. It is horrible. Have YOU tried it or are you speaking from ignorance once more?

You show once more how clueless you are when you can't even do a simple search to understand that failure to file in a timely manner once infringement is known or should have been known is, indeed, an affirmative defense that can get a lawsuit dismissed.

You were late to this party and stayed way too late. Depending on how much of a pop they get when they announce Gen 4 tomorrow at 8:30, I will be shorting again. Go ahead and follow it back to under $2 No skin off my nose. You would rather argue than verify facts... your loss.