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08/20/17 2:43 PM

#309237 RE: JJ1223 #309234

They did not call the platform a failure as much as question PPHM's ability to pursue the it.
They also see great value in AVID and I am confident they will execute a plan that will skyrocket the SP.
They will get fair value from the IP, also with so many entities pursuing PS, we can get paid for our patent portfolio if any reach the markets.

The Other Guy

08/20/17 3:10 PM

#309241 RE: JJ1223 #309234

The current BOD failed the IP. There is no way to spin it positively. And now they are left without a plan and fully exposed.


08/20/17 4:14 PM

#309253 RE: JJ1223 #309234

I didn't get the impression Ronin group labeled the "PS Platform " a failure.

In the event some shareholders got their feelings hurt by them reiterating that all human trials haven't panned out, perhaps it is past time to get over it and begin looking forward to the next generation I/O combo possibilities.

That is where the partnering interest will come from if there is external interest.

Offers may start coming in after the changing of the guard if King's ASTRONOMICAL assertion has a lick of validity.

Stay tuned, the truth is about to make a special guest appearance before year end I suspect.