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08/19/17 2:29 PM

#1953 RE: phrocks #1952

isn't it same ceo and management? it wasn't just the ceo that matched up to this company


08/19/17 3:39 PM

#1955 RE: phrocks #1952

You can't be serious

Pied Trader

08/19/17 4:39 PM

#1956 RE: phrocks #1952

Thanks for the free comedy act.


08/19/17 4:47 PM

#1957 RE: phrocks #1952

Lol that is interesting that you would say that. Please read this article about the BDGN Chairman and CEO of Tron Communications and let me know if you feel differently after. Note the large bold statement that he made and if you think they plan on doing something else and focusing on anything other than the companies they all own Now as that would directly go against what he said in this article. These men are dedicated to one thing and one thing only. They are like samurais!

Now that he has finally got his business up and running, Yap plans to devote his whole attention into it, and not get distracted by other business opportunities as in the past, being wiser from experience.

“It takes a determined man to succeed. Today people are too quick to give excuses why something cannot be done. Are you willing to burn the bridges? Sometimes it is not just knowledge but perseverance,”

TRON: Dato’ Sri Dr. Eric Yap
The Mega Tron : Lessons in Entrepreneurship
by Gerald Chuah February 3, 2017

MOBILE technology has definitely changed the way we learn, communicate, do business, acquire entertainment – and live. It is the platform we turn to for breaking news, movie reviews, product launches, and online shopping… the list goes on.

Technology Revolution On Net (TRON), the holding company of Talk Focus Sdn Bhd is the new player in the market to jump into this bandwagon under the capable leadership of Dato’ Sri Dr. Eric Yap.

Yap’s remarkable career as a serial entrepreneur has led him to venture in various industries including insurance, property, construction, travel, security and finally, telecommunications – a long-held dream that was culminated after years of hard work and dogged determination.

A man with clear vision, open heart, astute intelligence, and yes, deep pocket – Yap, seems to have a rare combination of qualities to succeed as an outstanding entrepreneur.

He said: “I like challenges because life is all about facing new difficulties and challenges which makes us stronger. “Everyone faces challenges in life. It’s a matter of how you overcome them and use them to your advantage. After all, success will never be possible without challenges,” he added.

Telco is definitely one of the fastest growing industry in the world today, and owning a telco company is one of Yap’s dream business in his early days, but he did not have the opportunity to venture into this industry.
Two years ago, during his semi-retirement phase, one of his old friend came out with a proposal, and invited him to invest in the company.

“I was attracted to his proposal and jumped onto this chance to venture into the telecommunication business,” said Yap.

Although the Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) industry was totally new to him then, he had to sacrifice his own time to learn as much as possible about the business.

Taking one of the – challenges of his entrepreneurial career, Yap rolled up his sleeves and worked his way towards the technical and operational side of things.

Undeterred by competition amongst giants, he relished the challenge, and saw it as an opportunity to engage in technology-related businesses, and climb this mountain.
Yap said he had months of sleepless nights gathering information and planning the operations of the company.

“Through it all, I’ve learned to manage my time more productively.”

Now that he has finally got his business up and running, Yap plans to devote his whole attention into it, and not get distracted by other business opportunities as in the past, being wiser from experience.

“It takes a determined man to succeed. Today people are too quick to give excuses why something cannot be done. Are you willing to burn the bridges? Sometimes it is not just knowledge but perseverance,”

Many high achievers today were once underdogs in their respective arena. Driven by their vision and mission to succeed, they managed to crack the code by thinking outside the box, and tap into latest trends and technology.

Industry icons like Jack Ma, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg are not only visionaries but masters of discipline, who not only dare to take the challenge, but have the courage to follow through. It is no surprise then, that they have become role models of success for the World to follow.

In a similar vein, the success story of Jack Ma — the billionaire business magnate and philanthropist has inspired Yap to become the dynamic CEO of TRON.

Citing Jack Ma as the person he admires for his innate talents and leadership. Yap said: “You have to admire the man for his vision and tenacity. As a serial entrepreneur, his brilliance is not only finding the business blueprint, but having the strength and determination to drive his dreams to reality.

“He serves as a mentor, inspiring me to move TRON to the next level and making me who I am today.”

As they say, `No Venture No Gain,’ and `Fortune Favors The Bold,’ so Yap’s success proves that these lessons ultimately apply in business as well as in life.

“It takes a lot to succeed. When times are hard, spend less and save more, or get an extra job,” advised Yap on how to survive the hard times, as his guru used to say.