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08/19/17 2:02 PM

#26239 RE: 22na22 #26238

I am not quite sure what you don't understand but repeating the same thing over and over when you are wrong does not make it right

1. The ceo stated 6 claims made it through the ptab

2. Logically, either you are wrong, or he is wrong that is a fact

3. If you believe you are right, you are suggesting the ceo of WDDD has no clue as to how many claims made it through the PTAB- ok good for you

4. What you DONT SEEM TO COMPREHEND sir, is something I said I have repeated ad nauseum

5. The total NUMBER of claims, whether it is 6, 12, 11, 8 or 98, means NOTHING, can you get past that yet?

6. What matters again, for the infinite time, is UNIQUE CLAIMS. Do you understand what unique means? it means not identical, it means different functionality, it means that the claim is not duplicated on other patents, and if it is, it's only counted as one since the law does not and will not reconsider the exact same claim on two different patents twice will it? If it kills it on patent x, it kills it automatically on patent y right? This is common sense.

7. So you can have 89 claims get through on 89 patents but really only ONE claim get through if it is the exact same verbiage and exact same functionality - I am not sure why this is hard to understand for some here. It appears our swing trader has done a good job deflecting and having people focus on numbers of claims vs UNIQUE CLAIMS and of course materiality of claims.

8 I have explained this OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER TO YOU, but you don't seem to comprehend this very basic point

9. So when the ceo says 6 claims made it through, he means 6 UNIQUE CLAIMS, 6 SEPARATE AND DISTINCT CLAIMS

10. YOU CAN HAVE 12 CLAIMS MAKE IT THROUGH IN NUMBER, but if claim 6 on patent 523 (example not a real patent) and claim 12 on patent 889 are EXACTLY THE SAME - they are not two separate claims in front of the law sir, they are ONE claim

I am not sure how many times I need to explain this simple and basic information to people here/


IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IT, PULL UP THE PATENTS, THE 10Q, read which claims made it through, then read each claim on each patent and you will see that the CEO IS CORRECT NOT YOU

Good luck, and if you don't know what UNIQUE means, find a dictionary