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08/19/17 3:58 PM

#12306 RE: gfp927z #12303

gfp: I know about the Left-Right debate. The current conflict over statues is but a microcosm of the conflict. But it is getting more and more violent and there is a good chance it will end up in an limited armed conflict in one or more places. We're in the eye of the financial hurricane. It will intensify as the financial pie shrinks. People have no clue what's coming when the next leg of the ongoing financial meltdown arrives. And it will. Hunger and frustration will bring out the worst in many of us.

There are going to be a whole lot of frustrated Trump voters. With RINOs like McConnell and Ryan running Congress it is doubtful Trump will get any of his agenda passed, or it will be vastly stripped down from what his voters wanted and expect. We won't get the Wall which we so desperately need. We won't get the Immigration reforms that would do away with "family" unification and replace it with policies that allow in potentially self sufficient English speaking, educated immigrants. McConnell and Ryan won't get that done, because their agri-business and corporate overlords want cheap labor, no matter the social costs to our country. We won't get the corporate tax cuts that would remove the incentives for companies like Apple to park their profits overseas to avoid some of the highest corporate taxes in the world. We'll get some watered down "middle-class" tax cut that does nothing for our economy and will amount to chump change for the middle class. Meanwhile the RINOs will be running for re-election as "conservatives" who will do "blah, blah, blah"....The Senate will never "Repeal and Replace" Obozocare, despite it's almost universal failures. They were gung-ho to repeal it when they were out of power. Once they got into power they can't be bothered. Nothing is ever voted in that would in ANY WAY reduce the size, scope or cost of the Federal Government. Ronald Reagan was right, the closest thing to perpetual life is entitlement spending.

Now Trump has run into the the most active Deep State opposition of any President in history. But some of his problems were caused by who he chose to populate his Executive Branch. The West Wing is now made up almost entirely of Democrats...McMaster, Cohn, his daughter and his Son-In=Law. He continued the failed policies of the past and put Goldman Sachs devils into powerful positions. He needed to surround himself with true conservative and libertarian "change agents". He opted for Establishment eunuchs and his Presidency, unfortunately, looks like a failure at this juncture. Unless Justice Kennedy resigns soon or Ruth Ginsberg finally assumes room temperature Trump won't even get a chance to appoint another Justice to the Supreme Court.

Lots of Republicans are going to be plenty angry at their own Party next year leading up to the mid terms. I don't see Trump voters going all out to re-elect an ineffective Republican party. I suspect money will not be donated, and Trump voters might decide to stay home in November of 2018. I can understand why. They gave the Republicans the House, Senate and Presidency and they accomplished almost nothing except Neil Gorsuch. All the other progress was just Trump undoing Obozo's Executive Orders. It all comes down to leadership. And Paul Ryan and Mitch "Schumer's Bitch" McConnell are ineffectual leaders only interested in preserving the status quo for the donor class. Neither one has any balls whatsoever. Pitiful waste of votes.