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08/19/17 3:08 AM

#269200 RE: Bngo #269198

Don't they have to clear the warning letter first? How long will that take?
GEE we were never told they never fixed those problems for 18 months. Pure negligence on NasRAT's part the so CALLED PHARMA EXPERT with 30+ years experience. What happens when the FDA says they don't need any more narcotics? 1 or both norco and percocet get rejected? Just like I called single digits a long time ago and here we are in the single digits.
Like I said 2 years ago Califf wouldn't be helping Elite. HA the predictions just keep coming true. Maybe I will be wrong for a change?
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08/19/17 9:37 AM

#269206 RE: Bngo #269198

Facts not fiction excellent post
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08/19/17 12:31 PM

#269218 RE: Bngo #269198

Bngo, the problem with your analysis and question:

What will happen to Elite's share price when generic Percocet and generic Norco are approved and ANDA for generic ADF Oxycitin is submitted to the FDA?

Elite is a real company trying to make things happen. Don't forget that they have FDA approved drugs being manufactured and sold now.

... is that you say "when". ELTP has not impressed the investment world with a good track record of filing AND getting approval. Your assumption and action in owning ELTP is the epitome of making a high risk investment for a VERY high potential return.

Your other point that we should not forget that the company is selling drugs now---and even after approval their revenues are pathetic. Which suggests that even if ELTP got approval for some other generic drugs, the BS about how large a particular market (IMS data) really means nothing.

Bottom line: I agree that there is another trade coming IF there is some good news that comes out of the company. That good news can be that the Warning Letter has been rectified. FDA approval for a drug. Anything will get traders, AND beat up long term investors tempted averaging down, to pop the stock. ELTP looks totally
"sold out", but I have seen stocks sold out go much lower. Which is why I have not bought back in. I will risk missing the bottom if I can get in after news at a higher price that that bottom.

The bottom could be .06 for all I know.

But, I know many are tired of hearing this from me--it will be for a trade. The long term problems of dilution, inaccurate and misleading communication from the CEO, the inability to get Sequestox approved, the suspicious self-dealing of equity by the CEO (to name a few of the concerns).

However, I could care less on WHY and for how long a stock pops for a short term gain. I do not have to worry after I sell. If it goes higher than where I sold, so be it. I have my profits.

And the 18 trades over the past 4 years here has put me in the position that I am not averaging down when I buy back in.

GLTU, Bngo. And have a great weekend.
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08/19/17 4:41 PM

#269222 RE: Bngo #269198

how many andas has Nasrat gotten approved in the FOUR years he has been ceo?