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08/18/17 12:55 PM

#9776 RE: Kizersosae #9775

So the original responses that were carefully worded to mislead people into believing that salary and payments to corporations weren't being made have now turned into "trust us" after you showed them the 10-q? Good luck, ive seen enough, i can't buy back in. Adios and renember, keep the pressure on them, this is your company too.


08/22/17 1:29 PM

#9785 RE: Kizersosae #9775

Could you post the response from the company? I think reading the actual response from them would be more helpful than an interpretation of what it said. Thanks in advance


08/22/17 1:38 PM

#9786 RE: Kizersosae #9775

There was no email, I talked on the phone after exchanging email after email, it was easier. I already explained that FIDO hit the nail on the head. His guess as to what they were doing was pretty much online with what I was explained. Now let me go back to enjoying my vacation taking in Deep Creek's beautiful views.

I lost a cousin to heroin and am a Police Officer. I whole heartedly believe in Naltrexone and wish I knew about it before my cousin died. Biocorrx in my opinion is run by people with the same passion and interest in this epidemic. CEO Granier has personal issues with family members and addiction. Don't get caught up in all the chit chat on here, it is all hear say. And in my line of work, hear say is not allowed!