Nice article!:...this one line in that article sums it all up, on a very basic level:
"CCTL is one of the best ways for investors to play bitcoin without actually having to buy bitcoin themselves.
CCTL own 576 bitcoins per last filing and recent contacts with the CEO this year and twitter. And when simple and easy to understand meets the stock market, especially the penny market, big things can happen.
Who here is buying bitcoins? I have bought bitcoin, litecoin and ethreum via Coinbase....but there are a lot of hurdles to climb over just to get account verified, then there is a several month limit on how much you can buy each week until i guess your accout is trusted more lol.
My point being one could do this, which is cool and i am --- or one could simply buy CCTL at such tiny pps levels instead --
And we are at only .0006 - so the obvious upside is rather amazing from an ROI. Bitcoin could go to $10,000 this year or a double from here : but CCTL could go to .006 from here this year with right news and we all know it and have seen moves like this and much more many times a year in pennyland --- so the returns here could be in the hundreds and the thousands of percents ROI.
...anyways something to think about: extremely exciting here guys!