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08/17/17 12:27 AM

#101911 RE: CashBowski #101908

Concomitantly, Cash have you sold out? I hope not brother, but we do need much more transparency from yaniv, and i beleive we will get it.
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08/17/17 1:10 AM

#101912 RE: CashBowski #101908

I've always loved ya Cash and related to you. Myself, like you was spending hours and a lot of posts on and from DD. THIS IS YOUR BEST POST YET.

We were all strung along. Lied to, disillusioned, fabricated numbers, false forcasting, debt to a company we never heard mention of until three days ago. Just to mention a few. And no PR explaining this. It's sad. And honestly gross. I was always in full support until the last month or so. I had a feeling something was not right then it was confirmed in the financials.

The only thing that will and can change my mind is a DETAILED TO THE BONE OR and a share buy back. They used our shares and money to fund and pay a mystery company.... without mentioning it?!!!!!!

Was the big surprise he supposedly said to AUDI this?????

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08/17/17 2:18 AM

#101914 RE: CashBowski #101908

Cash you have done a great job for all of us... Whatever you decide to do I want you to know that we all appreciate it... God bless and good luck
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08/17/17 5:37 AM

#101916 RE: CashBowski #101908

Cash..."I put myself out there because I believed their string-me-along sing-along, and they dropped the ball in every sense of the word!"

VPOR didn't string you along, you did that to yourself. You and others took any bit of info from Yaniv or Dror or others and interpreted it to mean whatever YOU wanted it to mean. As I said before, you and others view this sector and the companies in it the same way, and with the same tools that you would view Apple, MSFT, IBM, Amazon, etc. and you JUST CAN'T DO THAT! Pennies are so different in all respects that you do yourself a great disservice to even try to use the same investing strategies as you would with the big boys....and pennies in the MJ sector are even more different than every other penny sector.

Before anybody should ever consider investing in the MJ sector, you HAVE to understand that due to schedule I classification and Federal Law restrictions on cannabis, the entire way a company handles its' business has to be very creatively different financially because they have little to no access to the traditional funding sources that every other company in every other sector has. Since funding from banks, hedge funds, retirement or pension funds, etc. is relatively out-of-the-question, MJ sector companies have no choice but to raise capital to fund operations in any other way possible. This means through sale of stocks, both preferred and general, convertible debt, bartering goods or services, whatever it takes to keep the business running and hopefully growing. EGads man, when you are hamstrung out of the gate like that, just being in business for multiple years is an achievement, much less actually having multiple REAL products out in distribution and retail! So VPOR used revenues to pay it's officers and employees instead of putting it all to offset other expenses or pass it down to investors. Should they work for free? Would you?

You guys all get your panties in a bunch because the financials didn't meet YOUR expectations, or the company didn't do what YOU wanted them to do, but that's just extremely naive because your expectations are completely unrealistic!

Look CASH...I respect your past passion for this company and efforts on this board but if you expected something else, then it's all on you. If you had carefully followed this company since the SPLI days and saw what they did, how they did and have done things and recognized what they have (or have not) accomplished to date, then you might have other expectations. For example, given the obstacles in this MJ sector, IMO I fully expect that 95% of all companies are either scams or will fail. Out of the remaining 5% left, I expect that 3 of those 5% will never generate any significant revenues from actual/real product sales and 1 of those 5% will have viable products but will still fail for one reason or another.That leaves MAYBE just 1% of all companies in the MJ PENNY sector as companies that might just succeed despite all of the obstacles and handicaps they are burdened with.

IMO, VPOR is one of those companies in the remaining 2% and might, just might, be one of the 1% that make it because they HAVE good, viable products, good retail and distribution channels, good contacts with other players and most of all...growing sales! Are those sales reflected on these financials? NO, but the expenses are. Did I expect them to be? Expenses YES/Sales NO...Did I expect them to be very creative in how they used their resources? YES...did I expect their bottom line to show a company struggling to keep funding operations? YES...did I expect them to pay their officers, YES...did I expect them to pass revenues down to stockholders, NO...Do I expect them to tell the world everything they are doing or have done in PRs, Tweets, Instagrams or Facebook posts? NO (in fact it would greatly disappoint me if they did) Does VPOR owe me anything (this is for you too Engines)? YES, but ONLY the possibility that I will get a reasonable return on my investment at some point.

You know what my expectations are with VPOR? That every year they will do better and be more successful than they were the year or quarter before. That they will be doing whatever it takes to be in that last 1%...and I think they are trying hard to do just that. When I invested in this company, I used money that I could afford to lose in full if it was to be. Unlike my investments in those other companies I mentioned above...I treat this just like a lottery ticket. If I lose...oh well....If I win, it will be like hitting the Powerball.

As Ben Franklin once said, "it's far better to be pleasantly surprised that bitterly disappointed" so if you can follow that advice, you might not be so disappointed right now in VPOR. They are right where I thought they would be and headed in the right direction. Mark my words, Christmas WILL come early this year!
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08/17/17 7:08 AM

#101920 RE: CashBowski #101908

Cash you do a amazing job , DROR and YANIV will move
VPOR when they are ready, not before, OTC
Game and they love it.
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08/17/17 8:35 AM

#101928 RE: CashBowski #101908

Well said. We can still be invested and make our complaints. Has nothing to do with big boy pants. We will ride it out if we choose to but I can't fault people for leaving. Those compensations paid out are ridiculous cause that basically means they took money from stock and paid themselves. These guys are making sure they are paid well and the Balance Sheet looks like ass. I am trying to give the benefit of the doubt but Q3 will be my last financial. That debt is very very high and concerning.