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08/16/17 12:07 PM

#499 RE: m0n #498

I dont think those shares will even trade or hit market. Most Chinese cos never put their shares in market. Thats why you see 200 mil to 1 bil OS chinese stocks go 5 bucks 10 bucks and crazy stuff like that.

They are working fast now. Getting all SEC stuff out. I bet they start PRing acquisitions soon. Already got one contract almost 2 mil. And working on 60+ more. So if they get a chit ton of contracts this could have 60 to 100 mil in revs in a year and you know chinese do stuff like that.

Will see. I dont pass up on ones like this with crazy low floats and Asians involved. Almost all those crazy low floats go multi bucks. They love getting their stocks up really really high market caps. all it takes is a couple Chinese investors to slap the ask and we are at 2.00s.