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08/16/17 1:04 PM

#69663 RE: Labradorite #69662

Where does it say (anywhere) they are investing or have invested "Hundreds of thousands" of Dollars of their own Money? It doesn't. It is highly unlikely these characters actually possess hundreds of thousands of Dollars of their own cash, especially to fund a business with (as their disclaimer states) no guarantee of success. That would be foolhardy and the BoD are most definitely not stupid.

Now that IS a baseless claim with NO EVIDENCE or PROOF. If they did, you wouldn't have waited two years for the Filings because IF they had all that 'spare cash', it would have been done ages ago, and Pitman33 would not be banging his head against the wall in frustration of not being able to trade! Plus, Jerry Whyte would have been paid many months ago for the rent of his land for all those Rocks, or Ore.

All they have ever said is The Director's are funding the day to day running of the business from their own pockets. That's just a few Dollars a day. It's certainly NOT Hundreds of thousands of Dollars!! (PMSL!) This is most definitely not a company that has that sort of cash to speculate with. All they have is a virtual office with a PC, a 'Kettle and a tin of Ships Biscuits'!

I think that far too many people believe that what the BoD write is Gospel. You have no doubt heard the expression 'Been sold a Pig in a poke? Well, this is it? Flying one's at that! LOL