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08/14/17 10:29 PM


Big companies and the government are glacial. That said Gottleib has done some things to speed up the drug approval process and the generic drug business ( look at what happened to Teva ). You want to energize the public get them to see how much smoking costs them.
I think obesity has the lead over national health costs as we have become pretty weighty. But obesity does not kill like smoking..Or alcohol..or maybe soon texting while driving!!!!

This nicotine matter is a real arrow to the head of the tobacco industry. The FDA is not going to drop this proposal. Tobacco will fight though because their lawyers are in need of billing. If we think they are not working overtime to fight this nicotine thing we are naive. The latest clinical trial which is currently being peer reviewed will get enormous press coverage as the proof the people need to attack nicotine. BTI will exercise their option in October much to my chagrin. It was a deal I know Henry would not have made.