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08/12/17 7:57 PM

#90849 RE: al44 #90845

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08/12/17 8:53 PM

#90850 RE: al44 #90845

al44, I tend to agree with you in that...

the Obama 8 years punctuated the rise and showed a light onto the white supremacist movement which Trump has lit up and given comfort to with his staff and demeanor.

But, not for the reasons I'm hearing in your short comment. My perspective and experience within the community of people of color is that THEY were afforded a newly found source of pride and in Obama and his associates an attempt at being treated fairly.

A very well educated and eloquent black man with a similarly well educated and eloquent wife in the White House terrified a LOT of folks who just couldn't get their brains around the dissonance of their own prejudices. A DOJ that didn't see skin color as automatically creating guilt was a radically new concept...and fair treatment of the guilty and innocent was not the norm.

The "Black Lives Matter" movement, for example, is equally terrifying to the supremacist because in their mind, they don't. The BLM within the black community was nothing more than a response in the black community to the callous killings (which continue today...) for little or no reason as being OK if the victim is black...nothing more. It has been blown out of all proportion by the "outside" as some sort of new revolutionary call. It's not.

"Take Back Our Country" is code for putting "those" people back in their place. The KKK, fascists groups by whatever name, and other white supremacist leaders and groups see Trump as a newly minted advocate for their cause. They've been a bit underground under the Obama era but now with Bannon/Trump and too many others in the republican leadership excusing their cause, out they come. Like being released from some sort of exile.