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08/11/17 4:20 PM

#247 RE: realtorwsm #246

That broker is an idiot if he said that - it is the exact same company with the exact same results - up or down.

What he probably meant was that there may be a tiny price differential between the Canadian listed exchange and the US exchange. So the bids and offers might be a little skewed on the OTC because Market Makers like to widen the spread a bit to get fools to pay up for shares and/or sell down lower to get out. So your "return on your money" might be less if you sell into a bid on the OTC that is purposefully lower then where the stock is trading at on the TSX.

SCYYF is the Over-the-Counter symbol for SCY (which trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), which is the main exchange it trades on). SCYYF follows SCY trading. Just use a currency converter to adjust for CAD vs USD. It is the EXACT same stock. Numerous companies trade on different exchanges and do the same thing. I would avoid taking advice from that broker again.

The ONLY thing you need to follow is SCY:TSX in the link below. SCYYF:OTC will follow that exchange to the penny. Don't even worry about where SCYYF is trading and the bids/ask - it's all garbage Marker Maker games, it will follow SCY price action regardless.