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08/12/17 10:39 PM

#12281 RE: gfp927z #12278

gfp: I didn't see the press conference. I'm glad he looks like he's holding up OK against all the ridiculous witch hunts. Some of his problems could have been lessened had he been in firmer control of certain things. Robert Mueller should never have been appointed. Too much pro Democrat party baggage. And now he staffs up his office 100% with Democrat/Hillary donors.
What could go wrong? You have a Special Counsel doing a far ranging witch hunt with no underlying predicating crime. It's all an orchestrated side show to delay Trump's policies until after the 2018 Mid Terms hoping the Dems take over the Senate or House, or both.

And look at the upcoming special election in Alabama. You have 2 very viable conservative candidates , including Mo Brooks. running against a McConnell stooge (ex lobbysist Luther Strange). Now, McConnell has been a useless impediment to the Trump agenda, and all his RINO buddies prevented a repeal of Obozocare. Yet Trump supposedly came out and endorsed Strange, which makes no sense. Strange is just going to be another RINO lackey to the ineffective McConnell. McConnell spent years being Harry Reid's bitch. Now he's content to be Chuck Shumer's butt boy. He should be asked to step down and Ted Cruz given the reigns of the Senate Majority Leader. Cruz may not be popular within the Senate but he's the most reliable conservative voice in our entire federal government. He smart enough and driven enough to get things done or to punish those Senators who stand in the way. If Cruz was Majority leader he would have cut off Alaska from Federal goodies after Murkowski's vote against appeal of Obozocare. Ditto Maine, Ohio, Arizona, etc. One thing you can say about the Democrats, they vote the way the leadership tells them to vote or they suffer consequences. McConnell has intervened in many individual races in places like Mississippi (Thad Cochran) and pushed for RINO establishment eunuchs instead of true conservatives. (Better to keep the gargantuan Federal Government growing don't you know.) McConnell has to go. Trump has to realize his agenda is at stake. New leadership in the Senate and House are needed to salvage the last year before the mid Terms. If the Republicans do nothing they will lose one or both houses of Congress, and then Trump is a lame duck/dead duck.
Replace Paul Ryan. Replace McConnell (and not with Texas RINO John Cornyn). Ted Cruz or Mike Lee for Majority Leader. In the House I say we need a Representative with a Liberty Score of 96% or better. People like Dave Bratt of Virginia, Trey Hollingsworth of Indiana, Jim Jordan of Ohio or Louie Gohmert of Texas. Ryan is ineffectual and another impediment to Trump. He must go. Trump must realize his own party is almost as big a problem as the Democrat scum that inhabits the swamp.