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08/10/17 7:34 PM

#110645 RE: dloggold #110644

So where are those audited filing??? Looks like shareholders got scammed AGAIN by the Treaty gang of cons...

4 months and not a peep out of the crooks. Wonder what the take was this time.


Buyer Beware
Red Flags Galore...
Ron Blackburn Scam
Soon To Be Revoked

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08/10/17 11:30 PM

#110651 RE: dloggold #110644

Ah yes the infamous 14 that nobody can list! Sounds like OJs wookie defense! However for those that do exist in this made up number where the end result found Blackburn guilty of fraud and forced to pay hundreds of thousands? Why is that so conveniently left out? How is that a loss? Sounds like the plaintiffs won to me. As for the so called "Fake BK". Treaty clearly proved it to the judge, by their own admissions no less, no damages were incurred to be recovered. Not to mention Treaty had to pay hallin's court costs on top of it. Another failed attempt. Those perpetrating Calvin's fraud might want to think about how they're going to defend themselves on those planted fake posts. Lashing out on chat board won't help in the court. On the other hand if they weren't being stupid planting fake posts in the first place........LMAO! If anything the shareholders should be suing Treaty and the rest of the perps!