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08/09/17 10:06 PM

#3793 RE: JasonBourne #3792

IMHO, we have a 30% to 60% chance of discovery.

According to the third party analysis performed by Forrest A. Garb and Associates (the founder, Forrest A. Garb, is a director at Zion and has been since 2009), where Zion is currently drilling is a Geologically known area based on the fault lines they are drilling into. Also according to the third party analysis, MJ#1 is in areas close to production zones in that it is 26 miles from where Genie/Afek found commercial quantities in the Golan. There are other interesting statements in the third party report about a potential deep reservoir that they are drilling towards and what I believe Mr. Brown refers to as "The Oil" in his prayer request yesterday.

I believe the end result will be, The well corresponds to one or more discovery(ies), new delineation wells are drilled. I believe this because Zion has been clear to state that they can drill 6 wells from their current site and exploratory wells are generally not for production, but can be altered to be such.

After completion of the well depth, Zion will perform the required analysis where they have identified discoveries that will require further drilling to enable production wells.

The days of accessing funding solely through the faithful will be gone. The opportunity will still be offered; however, those who have been blessed through the discovery process will also be allowed to invest in the analysis and production phase at a special current investor rate through current shareholder stock options. I took advantage of this type of offering through the special bond offering provided to investors only a while back. It also gave me the opportunity to further enable the company in it's prospecting activities.

Also, the stock price will be at a level where Secondary offerings will provide adequate funding to enter the production phase.

After that, production will provide the funding required to fully access the reservoirs discovered through the exploration well phase.

This is a long term look at what will be produced from this initial exploratory well.

Most importantly, as Mr. Brown stated yesterday, this will bring honor to God through the blessing of Israel and the Body of Christ. It will be clear that this is a New Thing done by God to bless His people. And they will give Him all the Glory for what He had done through and for them.


08/10/17 6:32 AM

#3801 RE: JasonBourne #3792