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08/09/17 8:48 PM

#3912 RE: moxa1 #3911

I wonder if Monsanto has been putting other things in our food for population control.


08/14/17 10:02 PM

#3940 RE: moxa1 #3911

The Poison Business: The Monsanto Papers Reveal Media, Science, and Regulatory Collusion

Monsanto and Wells Fargo should both be out of business. I'd say short both MON and WFC, but the Deep State has plans for them and the Deep State is just as crooked

Major tectonic shifts have occurred around the historically secretive multinational corporate structure of Monsanto, forcing transparency, furthering the public debate, and assisting lawsuits that expose the true nature of Monsanto’s toxic product and its multi-level collusion to hide the fact of its carcinogenicity.

The public and regulatory pushback against Monsanto’s flagship herbicide Roundup® and its active ingredient glyphosate has slowly simmered for years and now appears to be hitting breakaway speeds. A large regulatory blow to Monsanto was the 2015 decision of the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to give glyphosate a Group 2A designation of being “probably carcinogenic to humans.” The second blow came in June 2017 when California state’s health officials added glyphosate to the list of chemicals that can cause cancer under California’s Proposition 65.

The number of consumer lawsuits currently pending against Monsanto in the US District Court in San Francisco has grown to over 100. These lawsuits were filed by people alleging that exposure to Roundup® herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and that Monsanto covered up the risks. These cases have been combined into multi-district litigation, while an additional 1,100 plaintiffs have made similar claims against Monsanto in state courts.

On March 13, 2017, US District Judge Vince Chhabria ruled — over Monsanto’s objections — that certain documents obtained by plaintiffs through discovery could be unsealed. These documents are being collectively referred to as The Monsanto Papers. Following the unsealing of the first wave of documents in March 2017, the headlines began flooding in. Evidence was shown, via email exchanges and documents, that Monsanto ghostwrote studies on Roundup® for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition, these documents contained evidence that Jess Rowland, former deputy division director at the EPA who chaired the agency's Cancer Assessment Review Committee (CARC), had an unusually close relationship with Monsanto. Under his watch in 2016, the CARC determined that glyphosate was "not likely to be carcinogenic to humans,” a conclusion that vastly differed from what the available research pointed to and what IARC concluded a year prior.

The latest round of Monsanto Papers has now been released to the public. Shortly after, Forbes was forced to pull a popular piece titled On GMO Regulation, USDA Hits ‘The Cluelessness Trifecta’ due to the uncovered deep collusion between Monsanto and the article’s author Henry Miller. Did this longtime media mouthpiece for Monsanto and its products offer up his position and name to be used as a propaganda arm by the company? An email exchange between Monsanto executives states:

“Henry agreed to author an article on John will work with a team internally [within Monsanto] to provide a draft and Henry will edit/add to make it his own.”
Prior to being a contributor at Forbes and many other media outlets, Miller served for 15 years at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), holding a number of appointments, including that of the medical reviewer for the first genetically engineered drug evaluated by the FDA and the founding director of the FDA's Office of Biotechnology. Miller’s unethical tendencies as a media writer now call into question the credibility of his previous work within the US regulatory framework.

Perhaps the most damning piece of scientific evidence showing harm from genetically modified organisms (GMO) was published in September 2012 in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT). Known as The Séralini Study, it documented liver and kidney toxicity, hormonal disturbances, and an increasing trend of tumor formation in rats fed GMO corn treated with Roundup®. The study was a deathblow not only to Monsanto, but also to the entire agrochemical sector that utilizes this herbicide. But as Séralini and his team had their study published, emails show that the FCT Editor-in-Chief A. Wallace Hayes was offered a payment from Monsanto for “consulting services.” By early 2013, Hayes announced that former Monsanto scientist Richard E. Goodman would be in charge of biotechnology publications at the journal. Another Monsanto scientist, David Saltmiras, was then shown to be involved in coordinating the “third party” expert letter-to-the-editor campaign to get the Séralini study retracted. Between 2012 and 2013, reported the inconsistencies and questionable events surrounding the Séralini study’s retraction and wrote the following on the recent Monsanto Paper’s findings:

“This confirms that we at GMWatch were right to question the arrival of Goodman on the editorial board. It also shows that we were right to criticize the non-transparency of the second round of review.”
GMWatch goes further to point out:

“Back in 2012, GMWatch founder Jonathan Matthews exposed the industry links of the supposedly independent scientists who lobbied the journal editor to retract the Séralini paper. Now we have first-hand proof of Monsanto’s direct involvement.”
In November 2013, the corporate mainstream media buzzed with the news of Hayes’ official announcement that the Séralini study was retracted from FCT. The study was published by another journal in 2015; however, the reputation of Séralini, his team, and their research findings was already falsely discredited in the mainstream public consciousness.

Other emails among the Monsanto Papers show, in no uncertain terms, that their Roundup® formulation was not tested by Monsanto for possible carcinogenic properties. Monsanto’s Head Toxicologist Donna Farmer, PhD, when advising executives on public messaging about Roundup®, wrote:

“…you cannot say that Roundup is not a carcinogen ... we have not done the necessary testing on the formulation to make that statement.”

Another Monsanto Paper’s email from Regulatory Affairs Lead at Monsanto Europe, Xavier Belvaux, corroborated:

“We do not conduct sub-chronic, chronic or terotogenicity studies with our formulations.”
Monsanto, outraged by the public release of these internal documents and emails, claims that it’s simply a collection of “some cherry-picked things that can be made to look bad.” Those who have watched Monsanto’s historically duplicitous behavior might be wondering if Monsanto is allowing its widely unpopular herbicide to be publicly sacrificed as a distraction from the company’s other areas of future focus. One thing is certain: there appears to be no end in sight for the lawsuits piling up against Monsanto over its cancer-causing Roundup® product.

Learn more about Roundup herbicide's toxicity on the database on the topic: Glyphosate-based formulations.


08/21/17 8:28 AM

#4002 RE: moxa1 #3911

Liver cancer death is now the fastest growing cancer threat in the United States, new report

My guess is Roundup in food

(NaturalHealth365) Death rates from liver cancer have doubled since the mid-1980s, reports the American Cancer Society. This dramatic three decades-long rise makes liver cancer the fastest-growing cause of deaths from cancer in the United States. In addition, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which can lead to liver cancer, is on the verge of becoming an epidemic – with an astonishing 30 percent of the American population affected to some degree.
What’s really behind this deadly rise in liver disease and liver cancer? That’s exactly what we’ll focus on today and, more importantly, address how you can protect yourself from harm.
American Cancer Society report paints a grim picture about liver cancer
Liver cancer, or hepatocellular carcinoma, is a particularly deadly form of cancer, with only 20 percent of patients surviving five years after diagnosis. According to a recent American Cancer Society (ACS) report published in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, liver cancer is expected to claim over 29,000 lives in 2017 alone – making it the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in men and the eighth leading cause of cancer deaths in women.
But what is responsible for the skyrocketing rate of liver cancer deaths?
Experts say that one major factor is the higher prevalence of hepatitis C virus in baby boomers. In severe cases, hepatitis C can progress to both liver failure and liver cancer later in life.
In addition, soaring rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the United States are conspiring to cause increased rates of liver disease, which in turn raises the odds of developing liver cancer.
Surging rates of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease contribute to rising liver cancer toll
90 million Americans are currently affected by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – accumulations of fat in the liver that occur in individuals with minimal or no use of alcohol. Like hepatitis C, NAFLD can lead to liver failure and liver cancer in severe cases.
The most common type of liver disease in both adults and adolescents, NAFLD has been called the “next global health epidemic.” Incredibly, up to 30 percent of the U.S. population currently has NAFLD, although very mild cases may go undiagnosed and practically unnoticed.
Risk factors for NAFLD include obesity, diabetes and high levels of triglycerides – or fats – in the blood.
Symptoms include fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, weight loss and jaundice – manifested by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Other signs that may indicate the presence of NAFLD are itching, impaired ability to concentrate, confusion and swelling of the legs and abdomen.
Exposure to environmental toxins can trigger liver disease
Natural health experts insist that exposure to toxic pesticides and herbicides can cause cancer, and a growing body of research supports this assertion.
Last April, researchers presented explosive new data at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research – a meta-review involving 16 different studies and demonstrating that people who are exposed to pesticides have a shocking 71 percent greater risk of developing liver cancer.
An additional potential risk factor for liver disease – one that mainstream medicine has not emphasized – is exposure to glyphosate, the herbicide found in Roundup weed killer. Labeled a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization, glyphosate has already been linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It is commonly sprayed on GMO crops of soy, corn, and alfalfa – and glyphosate residue has been detected in many common foods and beverages, including breakfast cereals and wine.
In a recent study published in Nature, researchers found that even infinitesimal doses of glyphosate – as small as .1 parts per billion – in drinking water caused non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, liver dysfunction and cellular damage in rats.
The study is particularly significant, as previous studies have focused on the effects of larger doses. In contrast, the dosages used in the new research are many thousands of times lower than levels currently permitted in the United States.
The good news: liver disease and liver cancer are completely preventable
Experts believe the deadly trend in liver cancer and liver disease can be reversed. Simple lifestyle changes – such as diet modification, weight loss, physical exercise, reducing exposure to environmental toxins and avoiding smoking and excessive drinking – can go a long way towards preventing liver problems. Early screening and treatment of hepatitis C can also play an important role in cutting rates of liver cancer.
In addition, certain supplements and nutrients can been shown to help treat existing liver disease.
For example: milk thistle, which contains the powerful anti-inflammatory compound silymarin, has proven anti-cancer and liver-protective qualities. In one clinical study published in World Journal of Hepatology, silybin – a constituent of silymarin – was found to effectively reduce biochemical and inflammatory indices of fatty liver.
In a study conducted at Penn State University and published in Nutrients, researchers found that the essential mineral selenium helped prevent the growth and spread of cancer by reducing microvessel density and the metastasis of cancer cells.
Dandelion root, a natural diuretic and detoxifier, is a time-honored and effective liver tonic, while black seed oil has also been shown to reduce the progression of fatty liver disease. Many naturopathic practitioners also recommend supplementing with antioxidant vitamin E.
And, finally, raw organic fruits and vegetables can help to cleanse a fatty liver. Particularly effective are natural juices that feature carrot juice as a primary ingredient. Animal studies have shown that beta-carotene, a natural antioxidant pigment found in carrots, inhibits the invasiveness of liver cancer cells.
Of course, if you suspect you have liver disease, you should consult your trusted, healthcare provider – as soon as possible.
Although the rising rates of liver cancer and associated deaths are alarming, you can defuse much of the threat by living a healthy lifestyle. Your liver will thank you for it!