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08/19/03 12:20 AM

#3014 RE: Altaire4_2dot0 #3012


I have a project that's going to require a non-trivial database server. And I think an XServe/XRAID might work for it. I will be putting together competitive bids for one of these vs. a Wintel alternative over the next 2-3 months.

Cost will matter, and from what I've heard, the XServe/XRAID measures up, but I'm genuinely interested to learn how it really compares.

If anybody (Jim, say) has anything to say on the subject, I would be very interested in hearing about it.

Buona fortuna


08/19/03 10:48 AM

#3020 RE: Altaire4_2dot0 #3012

Altaire - For the first time in years I am bullish on AAPL as both a consumer and an investor.

I will buy 1.5K in my BrownCo trading account for CCs and another 1K in my Fidelity investment account for capital appreciation. I expect AAPL and the market to bottom in October and recover in anticipation of 4th (calendar) quarter earnings.

I am also ready for a new PB. We are traveling a lot. My bronze KB PB is my main machine, and it huffs and puffs to push X around. Since the new PB will replace two machines I don't mind paying the premium, but do want to wait until prices shake out, as well as the inevitable quality issues with a new product line.

And I can't say enough good things about X. Although the PB (with 384 mgb) is sluggish, there are NO reliability issues, no matter what and how much I run.