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08/04/17 5:40 PM

#117054 RE: snoof77 #117052

You can also look up the lawsuit with the arbitration in favor of Juggernaut because they weren't paid by the scammer and her scamily... DOCUMENTATION!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
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08/04/17 8:14 PM

#117061 RE: snoof77 #117052

I'll do that right after documentation is provided verifying the "massive" MRIB short interest that we've repeatedly heard so much about. Do you have that proof? Until documented / verifiable proof is provided, it's merely a baseless no information claim and is not based on Factual data.

Meanwhile, MRIB is a scam.
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08/04/17 8:28 PM

#117062 RE: snoof77 #117052


Marani is all pie in the sky nonsense, here's just a few reasons why:

No Brazil
No D.R.
No Mexico
No Spain
No Monaco
No $105M in contracts
No pleasant financials
No timely OTCM reports
No corporate office
No updates
No huge step forward
No early in the year .10 pps
No .10-.20, just for starters
No mid .20's, at the least
No .50 by the new year
No 1.50/2.00 in a short time
No buyout set up by Dan Senters
No buyout, period
No SEC approval on all Margrit has said/done
No executive team
No Increased shareholder value
No national TV ads
No commercial spot for domestic release
No commercial spot for international release
No Celebrity voiceover on ads
No Three Graces
No Phuket Beer
No Cigar in a Bottle
No $200,000 in revenue per shipping container
No 100 newly hired national sales reps
No national expansion of Costco
No aggressive exposure campaign
No removal of Default status with Nevada SOS
No minimum of 3 containers to be distributed per month
No initial monthly revenue for at least $600,000 with potential for more
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08/04/17 10:30 PM

#117065 RE: snoof77 #117052

Not sure what else to call a 'company' where the CEO repeatedly lies to sell shares besides SCAM. The word fits the MRIB scenario perfectly!
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DJ Ponder

08/05/17 2:15 PM

#117069 RE: snoof77 #117052

This marani is a total scam chewie, it is nothing but a scam. A preplanned FRAUD MAGGIT E RUDE AND HER ILK DEVISED TO SELF ENRICHEN. I call marani a scam and a fraud and label the ceo a lying crook because its the truth.
You think its wreckless and damaging to the company?
To its shareholders?
Chewie the ceo publically stating lie after lie after lie in live interviews and in all of her press releases is what damaged her so called company.
The damage to shareholders was due to the ceo's blatant disregard of her fiduciary responsibility to them.
This request for information from the SEC is empty and hollow in light of the fact that every single otc marani trader is well aware of the fact that the SEC provides No public notification of any investigation it may or may not be undertaking.
You are additionally asking for Law enforcement documention that shows ANY action has been "levied" against the company and or its officers?
Wow that is far reaching into every single aspect of their lives isnt it?
A request for documentation implies that a thorough investigation has been completed and nothing was found. We dont want to be assumimg anything, so is that the contention?
And lastly - Just because marani stock "still trades" has no bearing on whether or not SEC nor Law Enforcement documentation exists.

There is no scam here. Throwing that word around with no basis of fact is wreckless and damaging to the company and its shareholders. Please provide documentation from either the SEC, or a law enforcement agency, that any action has been levied against company and/or its officers.

By the way, the stock is still trading so I doubt you will find any documentation of conern.

Marani IS a scam, its IS a fraud, it IS run by a crook and her "team".The evidence in support of calling it a scam and a fraud, run by crook IS overwhelming.
Imo , There is no justification whatsoever for denying that what is painfully obvious backed up by well documented facts.
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Scumbag Fraudsters

08/06/17 5:06 AM

#117073 RE: snoof77 #117052

It absolutely, undeniably IS a scam!

The fact that charges haven't been announced yet, means nothing.

Bernie Madoff ran his Ponzi scheme for more than a decade before he was caught.
Does that mean his scam didn't exist during that time before charges were filed? OF COURSE NOT!

BTW, his fund was still accepting deposits up until he was caught, and there was plenty of documentation to be concerned about.

Believe it or not, it's not the norm for scams to be shut down the day they open.
They often operate a long time before they're busted and action is levied against their company and/or officers.
It takes a lot of evidence and a lot of time to develop a solid case that will hold up in court.

A company may get away with one or two dishonest PRs, or "mistakes" on their financials.
But when everything they say and everything they do is 100% Grade A bullshit, they can't keep up the game for long.

There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence which proves this is a scam.

What surprises me is that Costco fell for it too.
They didn't do proper DD to insure Marani was a reputable, legitimate company with no fails-to-deliver before agreeing to place the vodka in test stores.
Or else they got it so cheap that they didn't care. It may have been an agreement to sell 20 cases (or however many it was) in a handful of stores on a one-time basis, with no ongoing purchases.
Probably it was supplied to them at basement prices just so maggit could use it as a carrot to dangle as a sign of progress.

Anyone who doesn't believe this is a scam doesn't WANT to believe it.
Like watching their house burn down and denying anything is wrong.