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08/08/17 10:57 AM

#242 RE: realtorwsm #241

You're welcome. I think it all comes down to getting financing and/or getting an offtake agreement signed and in place. They only need $100mil to fund the mine...that is not that much in the world of building mines.

Also, I do not think they do a good job of marketing what they have, and it's potential for massive returns to potential shareholders. I had to really dig through the Feasibility Study to find that little bit of info about the Feasibility Study using only 10% of M&I resources for it's valuations calculations, that honestly should be in BIG BOLD writing at the very top of the Feasibility Study, not on page 6 as a side note.

Whenever there is a news release I have to go looking for it.
SCY news releases


08/11/17 10:23 AM

#243 RE: realtorwsm #241

I should also add, that the company is currently in the process of merging with SIL (who owns the other 20%) to become 100% owned (vs 80% owned), and the merger is going to be voted on on Sept 11th 2017 at the shareholders meeting. The price is at C$0.30 where the transaction is taking place. THAT is why we are stuck at this PPS right now.