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terry hallinan

08/04/17 9:10 PM

#1124 RE: Johnny_C #1123

Johnny C,

Do your friends remember the 1:1,500,000 reverse split?

Do they remember the annual meeting in Chicago that started an hour late while the conference room was tidied up and the founder/COB/principal stockholder was demoted to a seat at the end of the conference table as Kapoor became the least of the directors?

Do they remember the subsequent incredible soap opera played out in SEC filings that read like "As The World Turns" and Kapoor regained his rightful seat from the usurpers? Ulysses had it comparatively easy regaining his home and hearth from the usurpers.

I am making nothing up though relying on dubious sources for the tale of Ulysses.

Only the alias has changed.

I can't say if you will make money but the one factor constant through incredible adventures is delivery. It remains a real biggie.


Best, Terry