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08/02/17 9:36 AM

#34876 RE: SierraPacificRising #34874

Not pumping. Simply looking at the future of this company. Perhaps they'll hire you as an advisor soon so that you can help guide them in the right direction. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. UF


08/02/17 9:36 AM

#34877 RE: SierraPacificRising #34874

Again with this?? What does it take for you to see that WW is the competition threatening the others! Not only is there plenty of room for EVIO in the Cali market, my DD shows that WW is ahead of most other labs trying to get in.

Steep, and SC are established for sure, but that's it bro.

I've asked before but I'll ask you again.. If the competition already in place has control of the market.. Then why do they suck at their job so bad?? How are peeps still getting dirty buds??oh yeah it's not mandatory to test until next year... Hmm I wonder if the new huge influx of consumers can be satisfied by the vast networks of labs currently in place...? Didn't seem like Oregon was ready.., and Cali is TEN TIMES the size of that... So again, I ask: how ready is the current analytical testing structure... I seem to remember seeing that state leaders and cannabis insiders are worried about the roll out.. Wonder why??

Next, the tastings rules have changed (are changing) in Cali. Iso accreditations are MANDATORY. Go ahead and do some homework here... Out of the labs currently, like you say in control, how many have this new required piece of equipment?? Again my DD points to the fact that the smaller labs, even Sequoia, don't have this equipment for all their facilities. Costa Mesa will have one, and Yuba ALREADY DOES.

Glty though