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White Coal

08/01/17 4:50 PM

#39611 RE: Blingsauces #39609

And you may very well be correct Blingsauces.

I bought my 1st shares at .14 and could have added shares by selling and replacing (zero cost). I've tried that in the past with minimal success. I've been able to average down and am currently "all-in". I've been that way since the last PR. And will stay through the next.

A clean balance sheet has been the primary focus since Aiden came aboard. (Best I can tell)
There's a BIG reason for this. IMO

Either way, we are all free to trade.

Good luck amigo!

Cartman 3_16

08/01/17 10:29 PM

#39620 RE: Blingsauces #39609

Totally agree. There will be no meat on the 10Q bone again, except the already overhyped "clean" balance sheet. The big questions will remain unanswered.