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07/31/17 11:42 PM

#422596 RE: Sogo #422593

This is behind the big relocation of blacks from Chicago ghettos cabrinia green and Taylor project . The good folks in Chicago wanted out of the ghetto from the gang drug turf wars killing innocent and children . They were not welcome in the burbs . They tried to purchase a strip of land to build a city but that was nixed by the EPA. The final solution was shipping the folks downstate using section#8 . Policy was ship them into rental property for 2 years paid by HUD in state. If the environment from all aspects for the new resident were satisfactory then agreement go from rental to home ownership. All it amounted to was constant resident exchange every 2 years with HUD paying the rent . Many white folks relocated into surrounding smaller towns , Much like the white flight in the 1970s in Cook County. 2 decades of bs . Many of travelers moved on as section # 8 has now defended. This was a system Obama was planning to legislate at the federal level .