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07/29/17 10:26 PM

#9191 RE: Matt3234 #9190

The Saga never seems to stop, the hits just keep on coming. Ubiquity seems to once again be in the headlines.

Just recently the SEC rendered in their findings and concluded that the CEO and his executive board have made it a habit of not being truthful in financial documents, nor are they able to produce accurate financial accounting's. Furthermore, they have no proper procedures in place to ensure Financial accountability and protect the best interest of their shareholders. In fact, they've solicited a ton of money from investors and groups and claim all kinds of successes; when in actuality they owe a ton of money. This latest bit of news on the recommendation of the SEC has prompted Mr. Carmichael and Miss Jordan to deregulate. One may ask themselves, particularly, if you're an investor or potential investor thinking about investing your hard-earned dollars with this sketchy group, why deregulate?

Personally, if it were me, I go straight to the SEC! Classic wolf in sheep's clothing scenario! As someone who has been in the investment world for quite sometime, one begins to wonder why even invest with a company who owes a considerable amount of money to note holders, landlords, lawyers and creditors.

Ubiquity and the executive bored have certainly have left investors and shareholders hanging out to dry. They have acted recklessly with no regard for the best interest of the shareholders. All the while, they still continue to live beyond their means and personally support their lavish lifestyles.

Just a thought. It makes one wonder??? What's next......