The IR guy supposedly was in on Funding the Operation...I believe I R Guy Joe also got Scammed ... that's why every time somebody contacted the investor relations guy he always Bull Sheeted everybody and told him everything would be OK... There was not gonna be any reverse splits ( that was a lie ) he would tell investors filings were coming and the company would be updating the investors .....blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ..make a long story short IR Joe is a pathological liar when it comes to communicating with the shareholders I said he supposedly acquired new funding for Toby and was probably in On getting a nice cut....I don't know how any of these guys could avoid jail time this is a big-time white-collar crime that has been committed here...beside producing one small batch of the drink the only other thing they produced was a bunch of false promises and lies... and now $6 million of investors money is missing and nobody knows where it went...JKIR .... this should be stickied