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07/28/17 8:18 AM

#28920 RE: fabius #28918

Yep if he was so right why did he take such a huge loss on his 60K share position yesterday instead of selling prior to Wednesday's AdCom?

Everyone's an expert after the fact...none of us knew that IPCI had not completed all 3 categories of the human abuse and liability studies...and that's 100% Dr. Odidi's fault for such a MAJOR miss.

If Dr. Odidi doesn't use Wednesdays disappointing result as a huge wake up call that it's time for him to bring in a much more qualified CEO who's far more capable than him to unlock the value in Dr. Odidi's science then I fear that Dr. Odidi is too stubborn to ever recognize his weaknesses and exhibit some humility which are 2 traits he must possess if he ever expects the value of his science to become unlocked.

As it stands right now he's failing to unlock the value of his nPODDS and PODRAS delivery tech platforms because he continues to try to wear all the hats...and at this still early juncture he needs to recognize/realize that the ONLY way he's going to succeed is by recognizing his weaknesses and securing a much larger partner capable of propelling his amazing science through the next potential levels of growth.

I don't know this for a fact...but I fear that Dr. Odidi could've secured a partner for Rexista months ago...but I suspect that he's being too demanding from IPCI's side of the equation and not recognizing that if PODRAS is for real...he's going to fulfill his lifelong dream and gain notoriety as the scientist who brought that game changing delivery tech platform to the world...but his window of opportunity is rapidly closing the longer he continues trying to do everything himself!