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Tx Girl

07/28/17 1:28 PM

#48455 RE: Adam16 #48449

Actually the name is David Failla, the CEO ARNH, another shell company Adrian is involved with. Apparently someone called David Failla regarding ARNH, but the person who answered sounded a lot like Adrian representing himself as Dave Failla. I did a little research myself and I believe they are to separate people even if Adrian pretended to be him on a phone call. Based on what I located David Failla and his wife Donna filed for bankruptcy and was sued by Citibank a could of years ago. Adrian, who's full name appears to be Adrian Anana Patasaur Mckenzie he and his wife and girlfriend, Dana Todd had a baby sometime last year. some research on the wives/girlfriend now, in addition to Adrian and David, since Adrian just keep lying about what's really going on with DNA Brands, to see if I can find more of a connection of who all is involved in this scam.