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07/28/17 9:11 AM

#18556 RE: halbroke1 #18554

Agreed PDGO quiet monster in the making!


07/29/17 10:13 AM

#18564 RE: halbroke1 #18554

I checked the wayback machine to see when the address and phone changed to Bank of America Building... It was between May 25th and June 25, 2015! As I recall, that is around the same time that the contact info was changed on the Louisiana operator license. There is NOTHING "new" going on with PDGO. Nothing has been done since June 2015. No changes at OTCM, Vince is still listed as President. Nothing at TRRC except more severance and plugging issues, nothing in Louisiana except the fact of more penalties issued and the wells in Louisiana were declared orphaned in 2016.

The volume the last few months was from nothing but a rumor started by somebody stuck with a boatload of shares. Likely a toxic lender and/or the not so "new" CEO Nikos Glimidakis.

There will be no news from PDGO.


Buyer Beware

TRRC plugging liabilities up the wazzooo !!

Obvious pump and dump scam
