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07/27/17 2:23 PM

#34543 RE: Preserve #34540

hahah ok... good luck with that...

BTW you do realize what the PPS was 18 months ago... how many labs we had 18 months ago... and how new SGBY was 18 months ago right??

They have destroyed the price of the stock due to 4x dilution to toxic note holders in the past 18 months.

HOW? 18 months ago practically no one was trading here. the pps went from .099 to .0004 on crap volume THAT was like you said all toxic notes not many actual shareholders then i assure you...but then what happened? WW started actually revealing what the initial investments were and we trucked it all the way out of trips, subs, and into penny territory!

THE SGBY WE NOW KNOW WAS BORN JULY OF 2016. enough said on that...

now to pick the rest of this garbage apart..

They can not event get a quarterly financial report out in a timely manner as evidenced by the fiascos of the past 12 months - when the company has been MONTHS late in filing their financials. At one point going so far in arrears of their corporate responsibility that the company was delisted earlier this year.

Anyone who actually does DD will know why this was. 10K was late, q1 was late and q2 was only a couple days late. This was due to the fact that we didn't have the proper processes or individuals doing the books early on. We hired a CFO to help, and we recently fired our auditors. WW has stated that this q will be on time. I for one don't doubt he will deliver on this.


The corporate communications strategy appears to not exist. What is the sstrategy, vision? It appears the only motivation to get out a PR is when a convertible note comes due at the expense of the sharehol;der and only to benefit some sleazy note holder looking to dump shares into the market at the expense of the shareholder.

First the VISION IS WELL ESTABLISHED. coast to coast, 18 in Cali alone, over 30 nationwide by 2020... as far as your note comment i don't agree. WW only releases prs and news when he has something definitive. this is not a pump and dump type op. Plus if you think this is true then tell me what note is due right now? The next one i know of isn't due until AUGUST 26TH... with 2 more coming next March and 2 more coming next JULY... DO YOUR HOMEWORK BUD...We don't know who was dumping a couple weeks ago, there are theories as to it was the dude tha got 177 million shares a year ago... mofo held over the year and turned 34k into over a mil! That sucks, but it is beyond what WW and Company can do...


Enough already. William Waldrop has almost destroyed this company. He and his team of incompetents have to go. There is an opportunity to make you voice heard at the board meeting in Las Vegas next month.

IF you are looking to take out the inept clown management team at SGBY- and install competent people who know what they are doing. MEssage me. lets make this happen

BWAHAHAHA your serious here aren't you? WW has destroyed this company? IT SURE LOOKS LIKE HE HAS BUILT THIS COMPANY FROM THE GROUND UP! Oregon, California, Massachusetts, Soon to be Florida, Central US, more California, and EVERY FREAKING STATE THAT PUTS MJ USE ON THE BOOKS. Team of incompetents??? DD lori's work, Smith's work, SGBY research, and every place our team has been quoted... (all in the ibox btw)

Also... good luck proposing this at the meeting... I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU TRY! ignorant AF!

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11/03/17 8:55 PM

#38197 RE: Preserve #34540

You wrote this 4 months ago. I voted against the R/S and do agree with what you wrote back then. How would you go about this? Looking more and more like imbeciles without a clue how to get to the next level and secure traditional financing. Still no 8k and probably nothing but toxic debt or more preferred shares when WW declared that their would be only 1 class to ensure passage.