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Replies to #336 on THREE-DAY-TRADER


07/28/17 4:50 PM


$VCPS + $QSIM Looking G@@D!!
Both in process as potential or likely profitable trades.
See latest private E-Mail Alert copy below:

Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: $VCPS + $QSIM = L@@king Good!!

Everyone should be on alert to take action at some point by next week (such as possible scale-out) with $VCPS & $QSIM based on latest positive activity.
But so far so good as of last 30 minutes before close yet today (Friday, July 28), as we wait to see what happens yet as we hold them in profitable territory.

~ Is already breaking out to my minimum speculation area of .0015+. It has good potential for higher yet, but we shall see.
$VCPS had 1 solid day of opportunity for followers to easily buy @ .0008 on Wednesday July 26 after my Buy Alert, and also had some .0008's available on July 27 along with plenty of liquidity (on both bid/ask) for everyone following me to enter it (as my trades typically do.
$VCPS so far is up 80-90% so far since my Alert.

$QSIM ~ Showing a good melt up pattern so far and has shown the best accumulation and net buying volume since we started covering it.
Level 2 is quite thin on the Ask and has good potential yet, however it needs to break above .0013 resistance.
Avg cost on it should be approx .0009-.0011, depending on if anyone averaged down with me @ .0009 or if some individuals entered first @ .001 or less. $QSIM is up 15-40%, depending on each individual's situation following my trade.

$OPMZ ~ Is still a lagging dog. I am mulling over what to do with it yet. I'll communicate in near future if I make any changes (such as deciding to possibly abandon it). Even if it fails to yield a profit, overall we are doing net great following trades here, especially if everyone is following my allocation and risk/reward strategy while trading all the stocks.
(If it would be sold for -50% loss, for example, it would be only the 2nd subpenny loss since November 2016 when I started focusing on them)

83.3% Profitability Rate Overall (as of latest stocks sold - July 6)
8.3% Loss Rate
8.3% Break Even Rate

10 Profitable Trades
1 Loss
1 Break Even

***12 total {11 of 12 Trades or 91.% did not lose money}

Talk to you soon!!