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07/27/17 1:13 PM

#57442 RE: Flenderson #57437

This thought process very well could be his line of thinking. He feels confident that at minimum he has something he could unload at .50+/share. So from his personal interest perspective, he's got a safety net. The worst case scenario in all of this is he still makes money.

I think they know there IP, etc is very valuable and if god forbid they can't get the wheels up they still have a golden egg to shop around.

IMO I believe Mc views Titan's core technology, IP, etc as his insurance. If he can't get Titan to the promised land he can at least unload there Tech at above his option strike price (.50+). He's not going to walk away from this gig empty handed. Hence, he will do everything from risking it with some sort of debt offering/agreement. He won't risk it as collateral.

bet kids tuition

07/27/17 1:48 PM

#57443 RE: Flenderson #57437

Unfortunately at this point I would be happy with .50