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07/26/17 4:28 PM

#14512 RE: wz9ytp #14511

Nice job WZ:

Was busy and couldn't watch til eod. Got DWT at $28.0099 at 3:59:32. Should have waited til 3:59:45 would have got 27's...

I scalped dwt twice today once pm then when she hit 27.80 sold the pop in am now back in at 27.90 small load waiting to see if she goes lower in the am.

That JNUG though. Had a sell order at $18.49 for my $16.75's. Didn't think it would jump that much!!!

I had JDST on Thursday/Friday at 64.00 sold yesteday at 68.00 bought Jnug this morning and sold it at 18.70. (dont think she goes much higher tomorrow looking to buy jdst again for a scalp)

And VIX!!! Green finally! Down about 30% so far.... quite happy we got green!!!

Vix dont like me staying away from that!

Tomorrow should be fun. Oil down, markets down, gold up, VIX up and Natty..... I'll guess up. It's really just a guessing game at this point.

Natty loaded the 11.82 selling half now in AM at 12.22. I think we can buy UGAZ tomorrow ~12.00. think NG pops with report. looking to sell UGAZ at 11.50/11.75. Then load the boat with DGAZ.

Love this game! lol ty wz