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07/27/17 2:37 AM

#69038 RE: Travis Crider #69029

Transnational, Unilava, Telava and/or UNLA for starters, typical Kristul scams. The mortgage company was the lowest of the low predatory lenders, doors were being closed prior to the meltdown, but the meltdown made a nice excuse, they shuttered doors in 2007. Might be easier for you to just look at everything he's touched, and try to find something that even hinted at success...not possible, but feel free to try, all publicly available, not a single success, not even temporarily...the companies listed bring us back to 1985, maybe earlier, possible he spun IWI as well, a failed gold/jewelry scam too, but, only documented failure, including this proven paper printing POS of course...we can wait for you to share a single success no matter how small, no hurry...side note, interesting that everything of value of UNLA was spun out to a private entity, Telava, only a trading shell remains of UNLA, with Telava a private entity holding virtually every asset with absolutely zero connection or obligation to the remaining bagholders, looks awfully familiar to what is occurring here now doesn't it? Also interesting that many, including myself, called exactly that happening well before RS, about 25,000,000,000 shares ago...DD helps, give it a shot...