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07/26/17 10:42 AM

#266947 RE: namtae #266946

The $2.10 valuation was a joke then and is a bigger one now. All that is left is hope because the generic biz can't support a $100mm value.

I have been hearing this same bs since $.44, $.35 and below. We ARE closer to $.02 now that the "buy all you can below $.35" moment. Hopefully savvy investors didn't take heed of such sage advice. Triple whoopsy!


07/26/17 11:26 AM

#266956 RE: namtae #266946

I do remember that I remember I was given advice to buy anything and everything between .31 and .35 because NasRAT bought 700,000 shares. SO he knew this was only going up. Shows how smart NasRAT really is........HOW BAD some will do anything to get someone to buy shares. NasRAT=Guido Franch