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07/25/17 1:02 PM

#421252 RE: Dabeav #421245

It is a hope and a prayer to expect any decency out of anyone in the gov't these days. Look at the responses to Trumps tweets, or anything he is doing for that matter. The Senate, House are mum because all they care about is getting re elected and the money flowing backdoor into the pockets.
They are all becoming millionaires right in front of us and not one person can stop it. The country is now to big, gov't does what it wants regardless of if a commander emails a judge or not, all minimum people other than INUB. Which is so irrelevant to them, they have not a clue what kind of pumping or dumping is going on and could care less, their picture is clear, do what the Billionaire wants and become a millionaire. PERIOD !