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07/24/17 3:45 PM

#73905 RE: SwissCheeseAccount #73902

In the financials, competitors offer similar services and can easily absorb the asset management responsibilities of the other making consolidation simple really.

The customer suffers in a market place with fewer market participants and quality service providers like Lehman.

Since 2008, even the Government hasn't restructured the industry to offer consumers the credit options as the rich have gotten richer with tighter lending requirements & lower rates and large bank penalties levied as revenues for Obama's Democrat slush funds.

Same with the Lawyers who can take over management responsibilities.

The biggest benefactors of Lehman's demise have to be JPM,
BCS, GS, Blackrock & some others.

The question remains are the debtors willing to take larger write offs or smaller write offs while Lehman is re-positioned and put back on the market with the NOLs in some core business segments.

Until this is announced and done, we're in the shadows.
